We are delighted to present to you our Promotional Video of 2020! Let us bring you on a virtual tour of Scoil Mhuire, showcasing all the fantastic teachers, subjects & extra curricular activities we have to offer!

At this time each year, our staff are usually busy preparing for our annual Open Night, where we get to welcome 6th class students & their families to our school and give them a glimpse of what life is like in Scoil Mhuire. However, due to current Covid-19 restrictions, this unfortunately is not possible.

So, this year, our 2 fantastic tour guides – Mya & Zoe – worked with our School PRO Mr. Kerr to create this special virtual tour of Scoil Mhuire for you!

Huge thanks to all staff and students who helped in any way to make this possible

🎥 Shay Casserley Films



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